9 Worst Sins Of The Captain America Movie Series


The Captain America franchise is one of the most beloved corners of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it still has some flaws. Chris Evans embodied the stalwart Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America in a strong eight-year run across the Marvel movie timeline, from 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger to Avengers: Endgame. Evans's Cap consistently stood as a super-soldier with a heart of gold, culminating in him lifting Thor's hammer in Endgame (to thunderous worldwide applause.)
Still, even super-soldiers don't fight as many wars as Steve Rogers has without some trouble along the way. For as big an MCU victory as Chris Evans's Captain America movies have been, there have been some areas where his movies didn't quite hit the mark. Occasionally, the opposite also happened, with the strengths of Cap's films highlighting problems elsewhere in the MCU. Here are the 10 worst sins of the Captain America movie franchise.

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