Spider-Man 4 Can"t Ignore No Way Home"s Biggest Villain Plot Hole


Spider-Man: No Way Home was a big shake-up for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, and with a new Spider-Man trilogy on the way, Spider-Man 4 can’t ignore the biggest villain plot hole left by No Way Home. The MCU’s Phase 4 began the exploration of the multiverse, with its first multiversal adventure being Spider-Man: No Way Home, which confirmed that Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man movies, and Sony’s Spider-Man Universe are part of the MCU’s multiverse.
A botched spell cast by Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) accidentally opened the gates to the multiverse in No Way Home, allowing villains from past Spider-Man movies to cross over into the MCU, as well as Sony’s Eddie Brock and Venom (Tom Hardy). However, the spell also sent one MCU Spider-Man villain to another universe, specifically Sony’s: Adrian Toomes a.k.a. Vulture (Michael Keaton). Sony's Morbius revealed that Vulture landed in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe as a result of the first spell in No Way Home, but these movies left a big plot hole regarding Vulture's fate that has to be addressed in Spider-Man 4 before it’s too late.
Vulture Didn’t Return To The MCU After No Way Home Vulture was the first villain Spider-Man faced in his first solo movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and he’s also one of the few MCU villains who survived their first movie. At the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Vulture was arrested and sent to prison, and he was last seen in the mid-credits scene, where he came across Mac Gargan in prison, who believed Toomes knew who Spider-Man is, but Toomes pretended to not know. Vulture hasn’t returned in the MCU since then, but he made a surprise appearance in the post-credits scene of Sony’s Morbius. Morbius revealed that the spell in No Way Home sent Vulture to Sony’s Spider-Man Universe, and after developing a new suit, he met Michael Morbius to suggest they form a team, as he suspected his presence in that universe was Spider-Man’s fault.
However, at the end of No Way Home, Spider-Man realized that the only way to close the multiverse’s gates was with a spell that would make everyone forget Peter Parker, and this time, the spell was successful. The Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Lizard, Electro, and Eddie and Venom were sent back to their respective universes thanks to the second spell, but for some strange reason, Vulture is stuck in Sony’s universe. Not only did Morbius not show Vulture being sent back to the MCU, but the post-credits scene revealed that Vulture has been there long enough to be proven innocent, released from prison, build a new Vulture suit, and find Michael Morbius, so the second spell, for some reason, didn’t bring him back to his universe.
Vulture’s Stay In Sony’s Spider-Man Universe Makes No Sense Vulture’s appearance in Morbius was revealed in the trailers, which made it look like he would come across Michael Morbius in jail and be part of the story, but the final product was completely different and, ultimately, made no sense. As mentioned above, Vulture should have been sent back to the MCU thanks to Strange’s final spell, but Morbius showed that he has been in Sony’s universe for quite a while. In addition to that, Vulture seeking revenge against Spider-Man because he suspects he has something to do with his change of timelines points at Strange’s spell working on Vulture as he no longer remembers that Spider-Man is Peter Parker, yet he’s still in Morbius’ timeline. Vulture being stuck in Sony’s universe was just a way to set up the formation of the Sinister Six, and while that should have been an exciting tease, the scene was so nonsensical that it had the opposite effect.

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