Who Is Gordon Reynolds? Deadpool & Wolverine"s Nicepool Actor Credit Explained



  • Deadpool & Wolverine's Nicepool variant is credited as Gordon Reynolds, an actor who doesn't exist.
  • Gordon Reynolds is actually a character created by Ryan Reynolds' for a 2016 GQ self-interview where Gordon insults Ryan throughout the whole video.
  • Ryan Reynolds' imaginary rude twin brother being credited as the overwhelmingly kind Deadpool variant Nicepool adds a subtle easter egg to the film.

The Deadpool & Wolverine credits list Nicepool's MCU actor as "Gordon Reynolds", who doesn't exist in real life. One of Deadpool & Wolverine's most anticipated reveals was the cast behind the Deadpool Corps. Theories about the actor playing Lady Deadpool in Deadpool & Wolverine abounded, from Taylor Swift to Blake Lively to Ryan Reynolds himself. Lady Deadpool turned out to be played by Blake Lively, but nobody suspected that a different actor would play Nicepool — or at least according to the film's credits.
Gordon Reynolds is an original creation by Ryan Reynolds, invented for a 2016 self-interview celebrating GQ's 2016 Men of the Year issue, which was awarded to the real Reynolds. In the 2016 interview, Gordon asks Ryan very inappropriate and insulting questions and compares Deadpool to Green Lantern. Gordon irritates Ryan so much that Ryan storms out of the interview. The fact that Ryan Reynolds' imaginary rude twin brother is credited as Nicepool in Deadpool & Wolverine makes this subtle easter egg all the more hilarious.

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