The 1 Stan Lee Marvel Movie Cameo You"ll Probably Never See



  • Stan Lee's first theatrical cameo in a Marvel movie was in X-Men in 2000, but his original cameo in Blade from 1998 was cut from the final film.
  • Theories speculate that the Blade cameo was removed because Lee wasn't involved in the creation of the character or that the adult themes of the movie were deemed too much for Lee to be associated with at the time.
  • Lee's scene in Blade would have been more than just a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment and was part of a larger list of scenes that were ultimately scrapped from the final cut.

The sheer volume of Stan Lee cameos in Marvel movies (and others) is hard to overstate, but there is one cameo that will tragically never be seen – and it just so happens to be one of his first. Ever since Marvel movies were a thing, Stan Lee has been sure to feature in them. This stands to reason given his importance to the franchise, but his cameos also became a stalwart feature of all MCU movies that would often elicit as much enthusiasm as the main story beats themselves. Unfortunately, the movie that arguably sparked the golden age of superhero movies cut Stan Lee's involvement entirely.
While all of Stan Lee's cameos became more prominent over the course of successive movies, his first theatrical appearance was a fleeting one, yet still pretty substantial, though it never aired. Instead, the Stan Lee cameo trend in theatrical releases started in earnest with X-Men in 2000. Following this, the MCU had Stan Lee canonized as the "Watchers Informant," thereby giving an in-universe explanation for his consistent presence in the MCU timeline. His scene in 1998's Blade, however, has been consigned to the annals of history.

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